Douglas Prison Information
Arrested in Arizona? Call Today for Help!

The ASPC Douglas Prison Complex is medium to high security facility. This complex is located approximately 250 miles southeast of downtown Phoenix. It serves roughly 2150+ inmates with security levels of one (1; lowest security level) to five (5; highest security level). This complex received a great deal of media attention after the prison riot that took place in August of 2017 in the Mohave Unit. Each of the three Units classifies inmate differently, with the Complex Detention Unit housing the most considered dangerous and unruly offenders.
Directions to get to Douglas Prison
6911 N. BDI Blvd
Douglas, AZ 85607
Main Telephone: (520) 364-7521
Main Fax: (520) 364-7445
Heading to Douglas Prison from the Phoenix Metro Area:
- Travel east on I-10 through Tucson, continuing east on I-10.
- Leave I-10 at Exit 303 onto Highway 80 at Benson.
- Travel through Benson, St. David and Tombstone.
- Two miles outside Tombstone at mile marker 321 turn left onto Davis Road.
- Travel 25 miles.
- At the third intersection which is Davis Road and Highway 191 turn right (south) on -Highway 191.
- Travel 10 miles (mile marker 7) until you reach ASPC – Douglas which is located adjacent the Bisbee Douglas Airport.
Visitation Information / Contact Information
Any person wanting to visit the Douglas Prison is required to fill out the Online Visitor Application or Print and Mail with a payment of $25.00 for a background check. The fee has to be paid in 30 days. If the fee is not paid within 30 days, the visitor application will automatically be denied, and he or she has to reapply. To make it easier for a potential visitor, the application and background check fee can be filled out and paid for online, as well as via mail. Anyone who is visiting an inmate at the Douglas Prison complex is strongly advised to read the Inmate Visitation Policy prior to traveling and attempting to visit.
Visitors can be turned away and visitation privileges can be revoked if policies and procedures are not followed. It is imperative that the application be mailed back to either the inmate or the specific unit offices for processing (except for CDU). The facility has 60 days to process the visitor application.
The Three (3) Units at Douglas Prison are:
- Complex Detention Unit (CDU)
- Gila
- Mohave
Visitation days and times for all units, except CDU, are on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, 8AM-4PM. However, you must arrive NO LATER THAN 3PM for processing. For the CDU, the no-contact visiting day is Tuesday and the times are either 10:30AM to 12:30PM, or 12:30PM to 2:30PM.
Life After Being Convicted – How DM Cantor Can Help
Conviction of a crime and incarceration for it are very traumatic experiences. A prior conviction can impact your livelihood and your civil rights (like the right to vote). In this vulnerable time, you need as much assistance as you can get. The attorneys at DM Cantor can help you, in more ways than one.
The Appeals Process
If there is the slightest possibility of a successful appeal in your case, we will use all of our resources to get the best possible outcome! The attorneys at DM Cantor are defense lawyers, but we are defense lawyers with extensive knowledge of the law from all aspects. At our firm, 4 attorneys are Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist. In order to gain this certification, each attorney must go through intensive training and maintain the highest standards. Most members of our legal team were former prosecutors at one point in their legal careers. Therefore, we have an inside grasp of the law from various sides. Having that “extra step” with experience on the opponent’s side (for lack of a better word), we will fight for you.
What is Arizona Rule 32
Arizona Rule 32 is an interesting state rule under the Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure. Under this, an individual may appeal a conviction for one of three reasons:
- Ineffective assistance of counsel
- Newly discovered evidence
- Substantive change of law
Ineffective assistance of counsel refers to matters where a defendant’s lawyer provided unprofessional or substandard representation that affected the outcome of the court proceedings. However, it is not enough to prove that a defendant received poor representation. It must also be proven that the outcome of the case would have been better had you received more effective counsel.
Substantive change of law allows for relief to defendants convicted under certain criminal statutes that have since been changed. Recent developments in Arizona statutory law have made this category of Rule 32 all the more important. A substantial proportion of cases dealing with violent or deadly force fall under the umbrella of “justifiable use of force” cases. In these cases, the defendant does not deny that he committed a violent act but argues that he did so for a justifiable reason, such as defense of property or of his own life.
Until 1997, Arizona law required that prosecutors prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a defendant did not act in a justifiable manner. That is, the burden of proof was on the prosecution to disprove the defendant’s claim of justifiable use of force.
There have been significant changes to Rule 32, specifically between 1997 and 2006. DM Cantor legal team can go over all of these changes of the rule to see if it is applicable to your or your loved one’s case.
Available Work, Education and Treatment Programs at Douglas Prison
As of early 2019, Douglas Prison offers several Work Opportunities to its inmates. The Arizona Correctional Industries and Intergovernmental Agreement work with local and surrounding communities for available assignments. Work available to inmates includes:
- Food Services
- Building Maintenance
- Vehicle Maintenance
- General labor crews to help upkeep the prison’s grounds
- Wild Land Fire Crews
- ACI (responsible for producing inmate clothing that is used throughout Arizona)
- ACI (seasonal employment with Fiesta Canning, Inc.)
- Southwest Arizona Medical Center
Douglas Prison Crews are deployed daily to local and surrounding communities for clean-up / beautification projects. In addition to working outside of the prison complex, crews of inmates also work within the perimeter. Inmates typical work six hours per day, five days per week on average.
Available Education Programs offered by Douglas Prison:
- Adult Basic Education
- General Equivalency Diploma (GED)
- Mandated Adult Education & Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
- Work-Based Education (WBE) Programs in partnership with Cochise College offering
- Building Construction Technology
- Computer Technology
- Automotive Technology
- AC Refrigeration Certification
- Electronics
Qualifying inmates may also work towards an Associates Degree through the various classes available at Cochise College.
Treatment Programs at Douglas Prison
The following programs are available for inmate treatment:
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
- Moderate Treatment for Substance Abuse
- Cultural Diversity
- Cognitive Restructuring
- Merging Two Worlds – a program designed to prepare inmates for reentry back into society through varieties of life skills.
Expungement (Set Aside) & Restoration of Civil Rights – ARS 13-907
The term “expungement” does not apply in the State of Arizona. Arizona does provide what is known as a “Judgment of Guilt Set Aside” and a “Restoration of Civil Rights”. If the Judge grants the Motion to Set Aside Judgment of Guilt, a Defendant can actually tell people that he has not previously been convicted of a crime.
Many job applications will ask you, “Have you ever been convicted, arrested, or charged?”. If this happens, then a Defendant must answer “yes” on any job application. However, there is usually a space which allows an explanation of the situation. Many times, people will state that they were charged with a crime, however, the “judgment of guilt was set aside”, and therefore they currently have no convictions on their criminal record. This response normally an adequate answer any job application questions, nullifying the conviction as a detrimental factor to a Defendant’s potential employer.
If the case is a felony, then we will also file what is known as a “Restoration of Civil Rights” in an attempt to allow a Defendant to vote in the future. On some of these motions, we can also ask for the restoration of the right to bear arms (i.e., own guns). However, if the conviction involves certain types of violent crimes (such as Aggravated Assault or Sexual Misconduct), then the law does not allow a person to file for a Judgment of Guilt to be set aside.
There are so many other options to consider once convicted, like Habeas Corpus, Petition for Early Termination of Probation, Sentence Modifications in the State of Arizona, and Post-Conviction Relief. The team at DM Cantor will aggressively exhaust all options in your case and leave no stone unturned. Our record of victories speaks for itself. A conviction does not mean that your case is closed! Please contact us immediately so we can help you get your life back.