Lookin for the Best Scottsdale DUI Attorney?
Call the best Scottsdale Arizona DUI Attorney Today! We have decades of DUI Defense experience and have been practicing in state and federal courts across Arizona since 1989.

CALL NOW, OPEN 24/7 (602) 307-0808

A DUI charge can have severe consequences, including hefty fines, license suspension, and even jail time. If you are facing DUI charges in Scottsdale, Arizona, you need a criminal defense attorney who has experience and expertise in DUI defense.


Why DM Cantor is the Best DUI Defense Attorney in Scottsdale, Arizona:

  1. Experience:

DM Cantor has over 30 years of experience in DUI defense. They have handled over 5,000 cases and have a proven track record of success. Their attorneys have the knowledge and experience to handle any type of DUI case, from regular DUI to super extreme DUI.

  1. Expertise:

DM Cantor has substantial experience defending people who have been accused of DUI in Arizona, including regular DUI, extreme DUI, and super extreme DUI. They have a team of experienced attorneys who are dedicated to providing their clients with the best possible defense.

  1. Proven Track Record:

DM Cantor has a proven track record of success in DUI defense cases. They have achieved many case victories in a variety of DUI cases, including regular DUI, extreme DUI, and super extreme DUI. They have a team of experienced attorneys who are dedicated to providing their clients with the best possible defense.

  1. Personalized Attention:

DM Cantor provides personalized attention to each of their clients. They understand that every case is unique and requires a personalized approach. They work closely with their clients to develop a defense strategy that is tailored to their specific needs.

  1. Aggressive Defense:

DM Cantor provides an aggressive defense for their clients. They are not afraid to challenge the prosecution’s evidence and will fight tirelessly to protect their clients’ rights. They use a variety of defense strategies, including lack of probable cause, inaccurate BAC results, violation of Miranda rights, illegal search and seizure, and lack of knowledge.

Examples of DUI Cases DM Cantor Has Handled in Scottsdale:

  1. Arizona DUI Do's and Don'ts Explained by Best Scottsdale DUI Attorney, DM Cantor
    Arizona DUI Do’s and Don’ts Explained by Best Scottsdale DUI Attorney, DM Cantor

    State v. Mr. C. – Super Extreme DUI (.234 BAC) (Scottsdale Municipal Court No. 20030137CR): The Scottsdale City Police received a 911 call claiming that Mr. C. had been driving erratically. He was subsequently stopped and provided a blood test, which revealed a .234 BAC which qualified him for an Extreme DUI. Mr. C. had asked for an attorney, and the officers did not let him call. DM Cantor filed a Motion for Denial of Right to Counsel, which was granted by the Judge, and all charges were dismissed.

  2. State v Ms. D. – Extreme DUI (.190)(Scottsdale Municipal Court No. 9811790CR): Ms. D. was involved in a multiple car accident and was subsequently arrested for Extreme DUI. She submitted a .190 breath sample. We were able to show that the calibration records for the Intoxilyzer machine were insufficient and the breath test results were suppressed. The Scottsdale City Prosecutor’s Office subsequently dismissed all charges.



Arizona DUI Do’s and Don’ts Explained by DUI Lawyer David Michael Cantor:



  1. Do hire an experienced DUI defense attorney.
  2. Do be polite and cooperative with the police officer.
  3. Do take the field sobriety tests if you are physically able to do so.
  4. Do request an independent blood test if you are arrested for DUI.
  5. Do attend all court hearings and comply with all court orders.



  1. Don’t admit to drinking or using drugs.
  2. Don’t take the breathalyzer test unless you are absolutely sure you are under the legal limit.
  3. Don’t resist arrest or become belligerent with the police officer.
  4. Don’t drive on a suspended license.
  5. Don’t violate any court orders or fail to appear in court.


DM Cantor is the best DUI defense attorney in Scottsdale, Arizona. They have over 30 years of experience in DUI defense, a proven track record of success, personalized attention, an aggressive defense, and a reputation for excellence. They have handled many DUI cases in Scottsdale and Arizona, and have used a variety of defenses, including lack of probable cause, inaccurate BAC results, violation of Miranda rights, illegal search and seizure, and lack of knowledge. If you are facing DUI charges in Scottsdale, Arizona, DM Cantor is the best choice for your defense. Remember the do’s and don’ts explained by DUI lawyer David Michael Cantor to protect your rights and avoid making mistakes that could harm your case.

For a free initial consultation, call us at 602-307-0808, or click here to contact us now and speak to a DUI Lawyer in Arizona. We will assist you with your DUI, DWI or Extreme DUI case.


[1] https://loronamead.com/dui-criminal-defense-attorney-in-phoenix-az/

[2] https://loronamead.com/experienced-phoenix-dui-attorneys/

[3] https://www.crimeandinjurylaw.com/scottsdale-dui-defense-lawyer/

[4] https://azduiteam.com/blog/phoenix-dui-consequences/

[5] https://www.azduilaws.com/charges-and-penalties.html

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