Holiday DUI Task Force Information
Beware: Any law firm or Attorney can have DM Cantor’s Scottsdale DUI Attorney website information rewritten by Artificial Intelligence (AI), and then they can post it online as their own “knowledge base.” But, they cannot falsely list our Jury Trial Complete Acquittals, or our Board Certifications, as their own. Also, many attorneys claim that they “specialize” in criminal defense, but only a “Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialist” is allowed by the State Bar of Arizona to use this title as their own, per the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization.
Arizona is famous for their Holiday DUI Task Force. Every year, the Police get together from multiple jurisdictions to do what is known as the East and West Valley Holiday DUI Task Force. They saturate the cities’ (especially Scottsdale and Tempe) with DUI patrols during certain timeframes. This is when the highest percentage of DUI arrests occur in Arizona.
If you’ve been pulled over for a DUI, it’s important you remember these “Do’s and Don’ts” and follow them exactly:
DO: Stop promptly and safely, and courteously provide all requested paperwork and identifying information, and get out of your vehicle if requested.
DON’T: Answer any other questions, do any Field Sobriety Tests, or blow into any Portable Breath Test they may offer you out on the street.
DO: Ask to call an Attorney after refusing all Field Sobriety Tests, etc.
DON’T: Talk during the transport to the Police Station, or in the station, except to repeat your request to call your Attorney.
DO: Call DM Cantor at 1-602-307-0808, and you will be connected with one of our Attorneys (even if it’s 4 in the morning). Also, follow our instructions completely. The first thing we will ask you to do is request a “private call” from the Officer, so we can give you adequate information. If the Officer does not give you a private phone call, this can result in an automatic Dismissal of your case.
DON’T: Tell the Officer that they “blew it” by not giving you a private phone call. In fact, don’t tell them anything that we have discussed with you, unless we have specifically instructed you to do so.
DO: On most First Offense DUI’s, we will tell you to say to the Officer “I will not answer any questions, I will consent to the blood or breath test, and I request to be released as soon as possible to get an Independent Blood Test at a hospital.” Our advice can change if you have a prior DUI conviction, or your license is currently suspended.
DO: Come see DM Cantor the next day (even if it’s a Saturday or Sunday, we have appointments that are available.)
Main holidays for the DUI Task Force to be present:
Cinco de Mayo
Memorial Day
4th of July
Labor Day
Thanksgiving through Christmas
New Years Eve
Phoenix Open/Barrett Jackson DUI Task Force:
January 20 – February 12
Start of school year, school breaks, ASU games, Cardinal Games DUI Task Force.
Work With DM Cantor Today
For a free initial consultation, call our 24 hour DUI hotline at 602-307-0808 , or click here to contact us now.