Car Impounded Due to an Arizona DUI Arrest?
Beware: Any law firm can have DM Cantor’s website information rewritten by Artificial Intelligence (AI), and then they can post it online as their own “knowledge base.” But, they cannot falsely list our Jury Trial Complete Acquittals, or our Board Certifications, as their own. Also, many attorneys claim that they “specialize” in criminal defense, but only a “Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialist” is allowed by the State Bar of Arizona to use this title as their own, per the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization.
Arizona DUI Car Impound Law
Per ARS 28-3511, the Police can impound a driver’s car if they suspect they are DUI, and suspect they are above a certain Blood Alcohol Concentration. This is true whether the Police have the actual results in hand or not. If they suspect their Blood Alcohol Concentration is below a .149 (or a DUI drugs), then they will impound their car for 24 hours. If they believe this is a Felony Aggravated DUI, they will impound their car (no matter what they think the blood alcohol concentration is). Also, if they suspect they are a .15 or higher, they will impound their car and put a hold on it for 20 days. The driver will also be responsible to pay for the 20 days that their car is at a tow lot.
It is possible to get a person’s car out earlier if they have DM Cantor request a Hearing on their behalf. In addition, if they are married, or the title or registration is another person’s name, then their spouse (or the title holder, or person who the car is registered to) can go to the tow lot and sign a piece of paper which will allow the car to be released to them. If any person is then caught driving that vehicle, their spouse (or the registered owner or title holder of the car) who signed for the vehicle, will be subject to the car being Impounded with no release to the spouse, registered owner, or title holder. This only applies to any driver if they did not have a valid license, or the committed crime with causes the car to be Impounded per Title 28, Article 9 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. Speak to DM Cantor about the specific rules and restrictions per ARS 28-3511.
Work With DM Cantor Today
For a free initial consultation, call our 24 hour DUI hotline at 602-307-0808 , or click here to contact us now.