Yuma Prison Information
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Yuma Prison is an Arizona State Correctional Facility that offers its inmates a wide range of programs and activities to help fill their time. This starts with work programs, extends on to educational and treatment programs, and finishes with volunteerism and spiritual programs for all inmates in good standing.
Directions to get to Yuma Prison
7125 East Juan Sanchez Blvd
San Luis, AZ 85365
Main Telephone: (928) 627-8871
Main Fax: (928) 627-6703
From Phoenix, it is straightforward to reach the Yuma Prison. Take the I-10 West and exit at Gila Bend SR-85 on Exit 112. Travel south on Gila Bend SR 85 until you come to the I-8 West exit to Exit 7 (Araby Road / SR 195) in Yuma to turn south. Next, travel South on SR-195 for approximately 18 miles until you reach Avenue B, from where the prison complex is clearly visible on your left. Make a left turn. After the four-way stop sign, keep driving straight until you reach the next stop sign. Turn left to reach the main complex gate.
Visitation Information / Contact Information
General Population Visitation for ASPC Yuma is on Saturdays, Sundays, and posted holidays. The times are divided in two blocks: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
The Units at the Yuma Prison are:
- Cheyenne Unit – Main Phone: (928) 627-8871 Ext. 16624
- Cibola Unit – Main Phone: (928) 627-8871 Ext. 17224
- Cocopah Unit – Main Phone: (928) 627-8871 Ext. 16324
- Dakota Unit – Main Phone: (928) 627-8871 Ext. 16924
- La Paz Unit – Main Phone: (928) 627-8871 Ext. 17524
The following rules apply to visitations:
- General Population inmates may receive visits on both Saturday and Sundays.
- Non-contact visits are held on Tuesdays. These visitations are appointment only (subject to availability and you must call in advance to schedule).
- The inmate’s phase level will determine the length of each visit.
- Special visitations that are submitted by written request at minimum of 30 days in advance may be approved by the Unit’s Deputy Warden.
Mail Visitation Applications or Information Requests to the following address and respective unit:
Visitation “Unit Name”
ASPC -Yuma
P.O. Box 8909
San Luis, AZ 85349
If you have additional questions, please call:
(928) 627-8871 extension 16004.
Yuma Prison’s Work Programs
The work programs at Yuma center around the WIPP Work Incentive Pay Plan program. These encourage inmates to combine training, expertise, and experience together in order to work toward supporting their living expenses. Among the opportunities offered are kitchen positions, the Wild Land Fire Crew, contracted positions of the Arizona Correctional Industries, janitorial openings, and groundskeepers. The various job offers come down to the security clearance, education, and skill levels of the inmates. Part time to full time job openings exist.
Education Programs in Yuma ASPC
The prison offers Adult Basic Educational classes and even mandates these for any prisoners who do not show the minimal Literacy Standard. For those without a high school graduation diploma there is a high school education program. For those who are beyond this level, vocational education is outsourced through the area community college. It delivers valuable work skills instruction in masonry, carpentry, and plumbing. Higher education can be obtained via correspondence programs, though these happen at the independent expense of the inmate in question.
Treatment Programs for Yuma Prison Inmates
There are a range of useful and practical treatment programs available to the inmates at Yuma Prison. These include all of the following ADV staffed onsite or offsite facility programs:
- Drug Treatment
- Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous (AA or NA)
- Reentry Preparation Programs
- Money Smart
- Parenting
- Thinking Straight
- Music Appreciation
- High School Education Mentoring
- Yoga
- Spanish Language Classes
Inmate’s Volunteer Programs
The inmates at this prison and others in the Arizona Correctional Department become involved actively in returning something to the communities. This is done through a victims’ services/community betterment fundraising program. It is run through a fundraising committee both inmates and prison staff administer to work together to coordinate all fundraising endeavors. Tens of thousands of dollars have been donated in the past, along with hundreds of hours of volunteer labor to selected organizations, agencies, and projects by participating inmate volunteers.
Yuma Prison Religious/Spiritual Programs
The Arizona Department of Corrections works to provide a spiritually uplifting program of religious services to inmates. Staff chaplains work with community religious leaders, volunteers, and contracted service providers to offer counseling, worship, crisis intervention, and other support to help the diverse inmates with their many religious needs.
Yuma Prison Recreational Programs
Recreation is a critical component of the ADC offerings. Among the many outdoor activities provided at Yuma Prison are basketball, softball, volleyball, track and field, and horseshoes. Naturally the inmate’s own security clearance level will impact the numbers and ranges of activities on offer.
There are also indoor activities offered in the form of recreation. These include card games and board games. Staff both monitor and supervise each and every activity. There are hobbies and crafts offered in house. These include painting, drawing, arts and crafts, plastic kit models, bead craft, and other small crafts that also depend on the security clearance of the inmate in question.
How Criminal Defense Attorneys at DM Cantor can Help
There are a number of legal issues that DM Cantor can help you with post-conviction and sentencing. This starts with Habeas Corpus. This ancient writ of common law is issued by either the judge or the court and directs the officer holding the prisoner in custody to bring the prisoner into the court for a specific purpose.
The most important instance of this is to address violations against personal liberty through announcing a judicial inquiry into the detention and its legality. This process and right of the law dates back into the Middle Ages for nations that came out of the best legal traditions of the Anglo-American heritage.
What is Criminal Sentence Modification?
Judges prescribe criminal sentences for convicted defendants in criminal cases when they become found guilty by the jury of their peers. Most individuals are not aware that these criminal sentencing events may later be appropriately modified long after the trial has been completed, even once the guilty party is in prison already. This is called Criminal Sentence Modification. It is commonly used to reduce the criminal sentencing for some appropriate change in circumstances or information relevant to the case.
When Can Sentence Modification Become Available?
There are particular instances when criminal sentence modification becomes available. This could be in any of the following circumstances:
- Sentencing errors were made that must be corrected appropriately
- Defendant helps in a subsequent criminal case by cooperating as a witness with the prosecutors
- A change in the state sentencing guidelines or health (as in a terminal illness) afflicts the prisoner
Post Conviction Relief (PCR) such as this refers to the legal procedures following the trial and conviction of the accused. The court proceeds with the sentencing of the guilty in one or more of various legal proceedings. These include federal Habeas Corpus or the filing of appeals.
Is it Possible to Modify A Criminal Sentence?
In the underway trial, the defendant has the right to request that he or she receive a sentence modification in the sentencing part of the trial. Both attorney and defendant will have to file an appropriate motion. The judge will do a motion hearing. In the majority of jurisdictions, when first sentences given out exceed three years, the prosecutor will also have to agree to a review of the motion in question.
After the motion is being considered, defendants have to demonstrate the existence of new factors which justify a modification to the criminal sentence. Such factors include the following possibilities:
- Unknown facts become available to the sentencing judge which were not present when the original sentence was handed down
- Facts were not in hand when the original sentencing occurred
- New facts frustrated the goal of the primary sentencing
- Important facts were disregarded by the jury or the sentencing judge
When the presiding judge determines that such new factors work in the favor of the defendant, the judge will possess the authority to modify the sentence appropriately. It will generally result in a sentence being reduced, modified, or corrected based on the new facts pertinent to the criminal case. The judge might also prescribe an alternative method for sentencing when the defendant becomes eligible. This could include house arrest, community service, or some other form of substitute for incarceration.
If you know someone who is serving time in the State Prison in Yuma, Arizona and would like to explore their options of Post Conviction Relief (PCR), Sentence Modification, Rule 32 or Habeas Corpus, give the defense attorneys at DM Cantor a Call Today at 602-307-0808, or fill out our Secure Contact Form now.