The Ultimate Glendale Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer (2024)

By DM Cantor, a Top-Ranking Criminal Defense firm in Arizona for the last 5 years in a row by Ranking Arizona Magazine!  (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

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The Ultimate Glendale Domestic Violence Lawyer, Glendale Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer, and Glendale Domestic Violence Defense Attorney
DM Cantor’s Board Certified Criminal Law Specialists (Left to Right) Partner, Christine Whalin; Founding Partner, David Cantor; Partner, Joey Hamby


167 Complete Criminal Jury Trial Acquittals (i.e., Not Guilty on All Charges).  The Most in Arizona history by a single Law Firm!

Plus an additional 700 plus Assault, Violent Crimes Pre-Indictment “Turn-Downs,” Dismissals, and Charge Reduction Victories!

Beware of Domestic Violence Defense “Pretenders”:  Any Attorney or Law Firm can take DM Cantor’s Glendale Domestic Violence Assault Defense website information and have it rewritten by artificial intelligence (AI), and then try and pass it off as their own “knowledge base.”  However, these Domestic Violence Attorney “Pretenders” cannot falsely list our Jury Trial Complete Acquittals, or our Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialization as their own.  In addition, many Lawyers claim that they “Specialize” in defending Domestic Violence Assault charges, but only a “Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialist” is permitted by the State Bar of Arizona to use this title as their own, per the Arizona Board of Legal Specialization.

Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialization

Board Certified Specialists | Top Glendale DUI Lawyer

Currently, there are only 54 Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialists in the State of Arizona.  Because there are only 19,000 Attorneys licensed to practice in Arizona, this means that approximately less than 3 out of every 1,000 Lawyers is a Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialist.  DM Cantor’s 3 Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialists makes our Law Firm the one with the most specialists in the State of Arizona.  Because of the severity of the punishment of Domestic Violence Assault Charges, it is critical to have this many Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialists on your Domestic Violence Allegations Defense Team as possible.

DM Cantor includes at least 1 Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialist on your Legal Team who is directly handling or supervising the Defense on any Major Domestic Violence or Aggravated Assault charge.

The Best Glendale Domestic Violence Defense Attorney Team in Arizona

What do you look for when you are determining who is the Best Domestic Violence Crime Defense Team.  The first thing to look at is experience.  David Michel Cantor began his Criminal Law career as an Assistant City Prosecutor for the City of Phoenix. While there, he conducted 30 Jury Trials in which he secured convictions against every single Defendant.

He subsequently left to work for a high-level Criminal Defense firm for the next three and a half years, before founding DM Cantor.  Shortly after founding his own Criminal Defense Firm, he became a Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialist in 1999 – and has maintained that Board certification for the past 25 – plus years.

Once you have ascertained the qualifications of a Criminal Defense Firm’s leader, you next look to the other Attorneys’ skill sets.  David’s two partners are both Board-Certified Criminal Specialists (Christine Whalin and Joey Hamby), and who have also handled countess Domestic Violence Assault Bench Trials and Jury Trials. 

In addition, the Firm has over 160 Complete Jury Trial Acquittals (i.e., Not Guilty on All charges) and has the most “Turndowns” (i.e., decisions to not charge a person criminally) of any firm in Arizona.  Their Jury Trial Complete Acquittals are the most wins by a single law firm in Arizona history! Click the link below to receive a list of questions to ask when interviewing for a Criminal Defense Attorney or Law Firm.

Beware: Never meet with a Criminal Law Firm that has you do your initial consultation with a Non-Attorney Salesperson, instead of a Licensed Attorney!  At DM Cantor, you will always meet with at least one Partner/Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialist when receiving legal advice while having your initial consultation on a Felony Domestic Violence or Aggravated Assault Charge.  This is vastly different from Law Firms that attempt to have a non-lawyer “sell” that firm’s legal services.  At DM Cantor, we would never put our clients at risk.

Glendale Domestic Violence Charges and Their Elements

There is a 1-year Statute of Limitations under Arizona law in which to bring charges for legal issues regarding Misdemeanor Domestic Violence, Assault, and 7-years to bring Charges for Felony Aggravated Assault.  We have seen many cases involving Allegations which occurred years earlier, and now the Alleged Victim is bringing up these accusations.  This usually occurs while they are in “therapy,” and we have been able to successfully fight some of these charges based on “False Memory Syndrome.” 

Domestic Violence Penalties on a Glendale Domestic Violence Assault, and Felony Aggravated Assault conviction are very severe, and the Assault Defense Team at DM Cantor knows the rules regarding Allegations of Prior Convictions or “Multiple Offenses Committed on Different Dates,” and how these rules can dramatically affect the Sentencing Range.  At DM Cantor, we have a litany of Defenses at our disposal in which to either have the charges not filed in the first place, or Dismissed entirely if they are already filed.  See the information below regarding the elements of both Misdemeanor Threats and Assault, and Felony Aggravated Assault, and their possible punishment.

Misdemeanor Assault – ARS 13-1203

Definition:  Class 1 Misdemeanor Assault is committed by the intentional, knowingly or recklessly causing any physical injury to another person.  Class 2 Misdemeanor Assault is committed when somebody intentionally places another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent physical injury.  Class 3 Misdemeanor Assault occurs when a person knowingly touches another person with the intent to injure, assault or provoke such person.

Felony Aggravated Assault – ARS 13-1204

Definition:  In Arizona, per ARS 13-1204, Felony Aggravated Assault occurs when a person commits a Misdemeanor Assault, and there are one of the following elements present:  there is physical injury; a deadly weapon or dangerous weapon is used; temporary but substantial disfigurement, loss of impairment, or a fracture of any part of the body; the victim is bound or otherwise physically restrained; it occurs in a private home with intent to commit the Assault; the assailant is 18 years of age or older and the victim is 15 or younger; it occurs during the violation of an Order of Protection. 

In addition, Aggravated Assault occurs if the victim is a First Responder, healthcare worker, prosecutor or public defender, park ranger, or a judicial officer.  Lastly, it can also occur if there is an attempt by a person to obtain control of a firearm or an instrument utilized by either a Police Officer or a First Responder. Depending on the severity of the injury, or other factors, the punishment can range anywhere from the most serious of Class 2 Felony, to a less serious Class 6 Felony.

Domestic Violence Designation

In Arizona, per ARS 13-3601, an Assault can be classified as a Domestic Violence Complaint with a “Domestic Violence Designation” if one of the following conditions is met:  the Defendant is related to the victim by marriage or former marriage; they reside in the same household; they have a child in common or are expecting a child; have any other legal relationship as a parent, grandparent, brother or sister, etc.  In addition, a child of a boyfriend/girlfriend who is also residing in the house qualifies.  Lastly, if the parties have had a previous romantic or sexual relationship (or current relationship), this can possibly qualify, depending on the length of the relationship and whether it was terminated or not.

The Domestic Violence Designation can cause very serious collateral consequences that go above and beyond a standard conviction of a Misdemeanor Assault, or Felony Aggravated Assault. f you have an arrest or Criminal Case involving Domestic abuse, then do not just hire any Criminal Defense Lawyer. You wil need to speak with a Top-Rated Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer from DM Cantor today!

Misdemeanor Punishment

Assault per ARS 13-1203(A), (B), or (C)

[A] Class 1 Misdemeanor Punishment per ARS 13-1203(A).

  • Possible punishment can range up to 180 days in jail.  In addition, there can be a fine of $2,500 plus surcharges, and mandatory domestic violence counseling classes.

[B] Class 2 Misdemeanor Punishment per ARS 13-1203(B).

  • Jail time can range up to 120 days in custody, a $750 fine, plus surcharges and anger management classes.

[C] Class 3 Misdemeanor Punishment per ARS 13-1203(C).

  • Possible jail time is up to 30 days incarceration, plus a $500 fine, plus surcharges, and anger management classes.

Felony Punishment

Felony Aggravated Assault per ARS 13-1204

  • Felony Aggravated Assault can range from a Class 2 felony down to a Class 6 Felony.  A Class 2 Felony is the most serious offense, and a Class 6 is the least serious of all Felonies – but it is still a Felony, and is considered life-altering.  There are numerous statutory reasons which distinguish which Class of Felony and individual can be charged with.  It is important to have a highly skilled Criminal Defense Attorney or Glendale Domestic Violence Lawyer review the charges in order to make sure you’re not being “overcharged”, per the statute.

[A] Class 2 Felony Punishment.

  • Class 2 Felony Punishment would require a minimum of 3 years in prison; a presumptive of 5 years in prison; and a maximum of 12.5 years.  This involves situations that usually involve a victim 15 years of age or younger, or an Assault on a law enforcement Officer.
  • Warning:  If a Dangerous Instrument (such as a car) or Deadly Weapon is used (such as a gun), then the range jumps up to 7 years minimum in prison; 10.5 years presumptive in prison; and maximum of 21 years in prison.

[B] Class 3 Felony Punishment.

  • Class 3 Felony Punishment for Aggravated Assault normally involves an Assault on a Police Officer, First Responder, teacher, healthcare worker, prosecutor or public defender, or other judicial officer or law enforcement agent.  The mandatory minimum for a Class 3 Felony is two years in prison; a presumptive term of 3.5 years in prison; and a maximum term of 8.75 years in prison.
  • Warning:  If a Dangerous Instrument or Deadly Weapon is used, then the mandatory minimum is 5 years in prison; the presumptive is 7.5 years in prison; and the maximum is 15 years in prison.

[C] Class 4 Felony Punishment.

  • Class 4 Felony Punishment is normally reserved for injuries resulting from an Assault to a Peace Officer or employee.  The minimum in prison is 1 year; the presumptive is 2.5 years in prison, and the maximum is 3 years.  Also, the judge can instead decide to impose Jail time of anywhere to 0 days in Jail up to 1 year in Jail as a condition of Probation.

[D] Class 5 Felony Punishment.

  • Class 5 Felony Punishment is usually reserved for Assaults on Police Officers or their employees that do not result in physical injury.  Punishment for a Class 5 Felony includes a minimum of 6 months in prison; a presumptive term of 1.5 years in prison; and a maximum of 2.5 years in prison.  In the alternative, the Judge can oppose Jail time of anywhere to 0 days in Jail up to 1 year in Jail as a condition of Probation.

[E] Class 6 Felony Punishment.

  • In Arizona, Class 6 Aggravated Assault occurs if there is a Misdemeanor Assault against somebody who is bound or physically restrained; if it occurs in the private home of another with the intent to commit Assault; if it is against a minor under 15 years of age; if there is an order of protection in place; if it is against a first responder, teacher, healthcare worker, prosecutor or public defender, judicial officer, or park ranger; or, if a person attempts to take control of a firearm or an instrument utilized by Police Officer or first responder.  In addition, there can be no serious physical injury involved in order to be categorized as only a Class 6.  The minimum in prison is 4 months; a presumptive term of 1 year in prison; and a maximum term of 2 years in prison.  In the alternative, the Judge can impose Jail time of anywhere of 0 days in Jail up to 1 year in Jail as a condition of Probation.

Warning:  A Judge can also impose hefty fines and mandatory counseling as a condition of any Felony conviction.  In addition, the Arizona Domestic Violence Laws contain serious collateral consequences can result from a Felony Assault/Domestic Violence conviction that can continue long after you have served your time, or after you have been released from Probation.

10.0 Superb Rating Avvo Criminal Defense

Collateral Consequences of a Domestic Violence Conviction

If you are convicted of a Domestic Violence Assault, or Felony Aggravated Assault, the Collateral Consequences can be very serious.  Even after you are done with any jail or prison sentence, or after you are released from Probation, there are still certain restrictions that can follow you for the rest of your life.  For example, you may not be allowed to ever own a firearm while living in Arizona.

Other Collateral Consequences of a Domestic Violence Assault or Felony Aggravated Assault conviction can include restrictions on what type of job you are able to secure, restriction and revocation of professional licenses, restrictions on being able to live in certain apartments or on college campuses, and other serious consequences.  If you are looking to hire a Glendale Domestic Violence Defense Attorney or an Aggravated Assault Defense Lawyer to handle your Domestic Violence Offense or criminal charges, you need to first find a Board-Certified Criminal Defense Attorney who routinely handles Assault Defense.  

The 17 Best Domestic Violence Defenses In Glendale, Arizona

1-4: Affirmative Defenses


Per Arizona Revised Statute 13-205, it is a Defense to Assault if you can show you were Justified.  In order to do this, you must prove by a Preponderance of the Evidence (i.e., more likely than not) that you were Justified in using force to defend yourself against an Actual Assault, or an Impending Assault.  This is one of the most common Defenses in Arizona and is very common in bar fight situations.  It is also very common in domestic situations where one person begins hitting or scratching the Defendant during an argument.

Defense of Others

It is also an Affirmative Defense for a Domestic Violence Charge under ARS 13-205 if you can show you were Justified the use of force in order to defend others.  Once again, this must be shown by a Preponderance of the Evidence, which means will more likely than not that your force was Justified in order to address the perceived Assault, or an actual Assault.

Defense of Property

A person is Justified in using force in order to defend their property, as long as it is “reasonable force.”  Again, this is sanctioned by ARS 13-205.  Once Justification is shown by a Preponderance of the Evidence, then the State must prove Beyond a Reasonable Doubt that the force was not Justified in defending a person’s property.  This happens in Domestic Violence cases where one party begins destroying another party’s property during an argument, and force is necessary to prevent or restrain in order to prevent Criminal Damage.

Crime Prevention

Using Justifiable Force during prevention of a crime is a Defense also sanctioned by ARS 13-205.  This can include using force to prevent your property from being damaged, preventing somebody from committing a crime against others, restraining somebody if it appears they’re going to Assault others or commit a Kidnapping, and any other type of Crime Prevention you can think of.  However, it must be shown by a Preponderance of the Evidence (i.e., more likely than not) that it was necessary in order to prevent an actual or perceived crime.  If this is shown by the Defendant, then the burden is on the State to prove Beyond a Reasonable Doubt that the force used was unreasonable, or not necessary.

5-7:  False Allegations

The Victim is Lying

This has become very common in Assault cases.  Either the Alleged “Victim” is lying about not being the aggressor, or they are making up/exaggerating being Assaulted.  Again, this is common in bar fight/drunken street encounters, as well as in Domestic Violence situations.  We often see scenarios where the actual aggressor is the one who initiated the attack on the Defendant, but it was the Defendant who was defending themselves who finished the attack.  It is also very common in Custody Battles to see these allegations made between spouses who are in the process of getting a Divorce, or who are fighting over Child Custody.

The Witness is Lying

It is common for witnesses who are friends of an individual to lie on their behalf.  They can either do this by flat-out not telling the truth, by exaggerating, or by omitting key facts.  It is important to have an Attorney who will not only interview these so-called witnesses, but who will also search for any type of surveillance, or video evidence (such as Ring doorbell cameras, surveillance cameras at bars, on the street, etc.).

Mistaken Identity

Sometimes in meles or bar fight situations, people get misidentified as an attacker.  This is especially common if a person is a friend of, or was with, the actual person who’s engaged in a fight.  This is also becoming more and more common than so-called road rage situations, or situations involving a moving vehicle.

8-12: Causation Defenses

Lack of Causation of Injury

This Defense is quite common.  Many times, two people are engaged in an argument, and one person who has been drinking will trip and cause their own injury.  In addition, sometimes people report the incident days later, after they have incurred some other type of injury in a different activity.  It is important that your Attorney analyze all evidence and interview all witnesses.

Supervening Cause

The Defense of Supervening Cause normally involves a melee or bar fight.  Sometimes a fight may break out where the Defendant throws a punch, but then somebody else strikes the Alleged Victim with a Dangerous Instrument or uses a Deadly Weapon.  If the Defendant is then accused of causing that secondary injury, it is important to show that they were potentially only involved in a Misdemeanor Assault, and not in a Felony Aggravated Assault.  Make sure your Attorney analyzes all medical records and surveillance videos that may be involved in your case.

Lack of Intent

Sometimes a person is not acting intentionally when an injury is caused.  This can include situations where a person turns around quickly, and their elbow may strike another person’s body.  This usually happens in crowded situations, and many times the Alleged Victim will claim it was done on purpose.

Lack of Recklessness

Even though a person may not “Intentionally” cause an injury, they can “Recklessly” cause one.  Examples would be throwing a beer bottle into a crowd, or driving at a very high rate of speed.  However, it is the Defense to Assault to show a Lack of Recklessness.  If it can be shown that the Defendant was acting the way a “reasonable person would act in similar circumstances,” then the element of Recklessness will not have been met.  This is a very powerful Defense to Assault Charges (especially Vehicular Assault Charges).

Lack of Negligence

Although a person may not be acting “Recklessly,” they can still be acting in a “Negligent” manner.  It is important to show that a Defendant was not Negligent in their behavior, which may have caused another person injury.  What must be shown is the Defendant exercised a level of care that a reasonable person would have exercised in similar circumstances.  Again, this is a very powerful Defense for allegations of Assault (especially Vehicular Assault).

13-15: Evidence-Based Defenses

Illegal Search and Seizure

We have defended many cases where the Police have improperly seized evidence without first securing a Search Warrant.  We’ve also had issues where the Search Warrant Affidavit was not truthful, or the Warrant was not executed during the proper timelines.  This Defense is very important in situations involving Felony Aggravated Assault, and where a vehicle is involved and is impounded.  It also applies where there’s a Deadly Weapon or Dangerous Instrument utilized, and where an improper Search of a person or vehicle (or their house) was conducted.

Miranda Rights Violations

If the Police improperly questioned a suspect who is in custody without first reading them the Miranda Rights, then these statements can be “Suppressed.”  Very often, we have found cases where Police Officers will interview an individual, then Mirandize them, and then ask the same questions all over again (on video).  If this occurs, all those statements can be “Suppressed” (along with all evidence obtained because of those answers), if a proper Motion is filed.

Exaggeration and Bias by the Police and Sloppy Reporting

Many times, a Police Officer’s written report will not match what is captured on body-worn “Axon” cameras.  In addition, if a video is not available, it is important to interview all witnesses who were not only listed in the report, but who also may have been ignored by Police.  You need to have a skilled Defense Attorney who can locate and interview all potential witnesses in order to counteract a sloppy or biased Police report.

16-17: Diminished Capacity and Mental Health Issues

Autism and Spectrum-Based Defenses

If a Defendant is accused of Assault (whether its Misdemeanor or Felony Aggravated Assault), it is important for your Criminal Attorney or Phoenix Domestic Violence Lawyer to obtain all past medical records and diagnosis of Autism or Spectrum-Based issues.  Not only can this serve to “Mitigate” any charged crime, but it can be used to have charges Dismissed (or not filed at all).  Make sure to let your Defense Attorney know of any diagnosed conditions.

Bi-polar, Schizophrenia, Break from Reality, and other Diminished Capacity Defenses

It is quite common for people who have diagnosed mental issues to be accused of Assault due to misunderstandings regarding their situations. Any pre-existing diagnoses, or medical scripts that a Defendant is currently possessing, need to be thoroughly explored during legal representation by their Defense Attorney.  In addition, if there has not been a previous diagnosis, it is important to get the Defendant in with a Doctor in order to perform a Neuro-Psychological Exam, or Psychiatric Evaluation.  Even if this does not serve as an outright Defense to get charges Dismissed, it is commonly used to reduce the charges and “Mitigate” them so there is no jail or prison time.


“Mitigation” is a process utilized by DM Cantor in order to attempt to keep Charges from being filed, or to get them greatly reduced.  It can also reduce the amount of Punishment if there is a particular Sentencing Range that is mandated by the Reduced Charge.  During this process, we will gather as much information about the Defendant’s background history. 

This can include not only medical records, but also counseling records.  Many times, we will utilize Polygraph Examinations; Neuropsychological Evaluations; and Rehabilitation/Counseling records in order to produce our “Mitigation Package.”  Lastly, we may also include a “Proportionality Review,” which will include the Denial of Charges, or greatly Reduced Charging decisions, involving other Defendants who are similarly situated to our Client.

What We Do When a DM Cantor Glendale Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer Represents You

At DM Cantor we always keep our “Core Purpose” in mind.  In other words, “We are here to help people navigate through the toughest times of their life.” We accomplish this by keeping these three principles in mind: (1) Do Hard Work; (2) have Excellent Trial Skills, and (3) – and most importantly of the three – have High-Touch Client Service.

If you have retained DM Cantor to represent you during the “Pre-Charge” or “Pre-Indictment” phase of your case, then the first thing we will do is have you come into our office in order to conduct a “Timeline Meeting,” and a “Bio Meeting.”  We will get all relevant factors as to what happened in the actual case, and a complete story of your life in order to start building our Mitigation Package.  This is normally done with the Attorneys in our office, but sometimes we will also utilize the services of a Private Investigator.

If you’ve already been Charged, we will still conduct a Timeline and Biographical Meeting with you.  We will also seek to Modify your Conditions of Release, if you live out-of-County, or out-of-State, and the Judge ordered you to remain in-county during your Initial Appearance.  If we do succeed with our Motion to Modify Conditions of Release, you will need to maintain contact with DM Cantor, and also sign an Affidavit Acknowledging each new Court date as the case progresses.  See us for more details if you are in this situation.

Beware:  Many so-called Assault Defense Law Firms will assign a case to a brand-new Associate who has never conducted a Bench Trial or Jury Trial regarding a Domestic Violence Assault charge. It is critical to your Defense of Misdemeanor or Felony Aggravated Assault Allegations that you have at least one Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialist on your Defense Team.  DM Cantor has 3 Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialists (all Partners), who are available to work on your case. 

Penalties involving Domestic Violence can literally effect a person’s ability to own a gun, or obtain employment for the rest of their life. This is why it is necessary to have a highly experienced Glendale Domestic Violence Lawyer from the Best Legal Team – DM Cantor – represent you on these Charges.

What Our Clients Say

DM Cantor is a very professional attorney office. I strongly recommend them. Before engaging with them, I have done a lot of researches and interviewed 6 attorney offices. The price may not be the lowest but they definitely delivered! You got what you paid for. Joshua Sene was assigned to us. He kept very clear communication. He was very patient explaining each step which made us very comfortable and having peach in mind. He took time answering many of my questions. He was able to get the case dismissed out right.
July 23, 2023
DM Cantor is hands down the best law office I could have chosen. I don’t think I’d feel nearly as confident with my case if I was in anyone else’s care. They get to the point, they handle the job, and they know what they are talking about. I felt supported, heard, and overall good about what my options were. Everyone in their office is kind, professional, and understanding. If you find yourself needing a law team, this is the office to hire - they will be on your side through it all
Callendra Schutze
Callendra Schutze
July 11, 2023
DM Cantor was an ally from start to finish! Put their card in your wallet now and keep it on hand in the event that you ever need an attorney. Complete professionalism, tact, facts and results. Let them do their job! They are the best situated to bring the outcome you seek.
Lissa Victoria
Lissa Victoria
July 1, 2023
Jason Karpel and Joshua helped me with the defense on my original charge and then 4 years later helped me restore my rights and get my record set aside! I also have to credit Joey Hamby, he was able to help when Jason and Josh weren't available They are very informative and badass attorneys and will give you the best possible defense! If you are on the fence about DM Cantor, this is your sign to choose them. They are worth the money.
Nathan Jarvis
Nathan Jarvis
June 11, 2023
Josh was assigned to my case, and I couldn’t have asked for a better attorney to help me through my DUI case. He was very thorough and diligent in digging into my case and finding all the faults in the case and building up the ammo needed to go at the prosecutor. He was very generous with his time and answering questions where as other attorneys would just blow off your line of questioning and shoot you down. He ran through the scenarios of my questions and provided me with the guidance needed to navigate my case. Even when we thought we would only get a certain type of plea deal, we said the hell with it and let’s throw the kitchen sink at them and go for broke which took me from a DUI to a wreckless driving deal with only a $770 fine. It could’ve been so much worse. I plan on never being in this situation again, but if I need it I would not hesitate to have Josh represent me again, and I would recommend him to anyone needing representation.
Michael Brewer
Michael Brewer
June 9, 2023
Mr. Jared Ahern was flawless in court and got the results I wanted. Words cannot express how grateful I am for his help. DM Cantor gave me a fighting chance and I will only be referring them from here on out.
Peter Alvarez
Peter Alvarez
June 4, 2023
Very helpful & professional. You get what you pay for & I'm grateful for the outcome I received. As long as you follow their advice & put in your end of the work everything turns out favorable. Mr. Joey Hamby & Mr. Michael Alarid were very helpful & worked with me even though I worked in a remote location. The staff covered every angle as well, ensuring I was on the same page & even provided an additional attorney when my assigned two were unavailable. I would use them again should the need ever arise.
F. K.
F. K.
March 28, 2023
Jason Karpel handled my case at the end of 2022 and was amazing! His whole team/staff were super professional, friendly and accommodating. Not to mention he is AMAZING at his job and got my case resolved and all charges dropped, pretty quickly too. He’s a really nice guy who knows his stuff and I’d recommend all my friends and family to him if they ever needed counsel. Thank you Jason and DM Cantor for all you do!
Kevin Glenn
Kevin Glenn
March 9, 2023


Glendale Domestic Violence Defense FAQs

What if I am being accused in Glendale, but I live out-of-State?

If you currently live Out-of-State or Out-of-County and were accused in Glendale, we can handle your case remotely.  If you are in what is known as the “Pre-charge Phase” or “Pre-Indictment Phase,” we can conduct all meetings via Zoom or telephonically.  In addition, if we need to utilize Experts for things such as Polygraphs, Neuropsychological Evaluations, DNA Analysis, etc., this can be accomplished with Out-of-State Experts and Professionals that are at our disposal.

If you have been Charged or Indicted, then we’ll need to file a “Motion to Modify Conditions of Release,” which would allow you to remain Out-of-County or Out-of-State.  Once this Motion is granted, the Judge will require you to keep contact with DM Cantor, and you will also have to sign an Affidavit after each Court date acknowledging that you know when the next Court date is scheduled.

Do I have to wear an Ankle Monitor?

In Arizona, this requirement is rarely imposed unless the Defendant has multiple prior convictions, and the Court can only impose a condition of an Ankle Monitor while your case is pending if it is “available” in the County in which you were Charged.  In Maricopa County (where Phoenix is located), Pima County (where Tucson is located), or Yavapai County (where Prescott is located), Ankle Monitors are available in all 3 Counties. 

In most other Counties in Arizona, they are not available, therefore, you would not be required to wear an ankle monitor during the pendency of your case.  If you live Out-of-State, and the Judge imposes this condition, we will need to verify whether the Ankle Monitoring system is available in your hometown.

Can I be around the Alleged Victim while my case is pending?

If you have been Charged with Domestic Violence, the Judge must specifically allow you to have contact with the Alleged Victim when he issues your “Conditions of Release.”  Normally, they automatically forbid contact with anyone who is the named Victim, or any named witnesses.  If the Judge has already put that requirement in place at your Initial Appearance, we can file a “Motion to Modify Conditions of Release,” and request that you specifically be allowed to have contact with the Alleged Victim, or witnesses who live within your house.


Can I “Seal” my records If I am Not Charged, or the case is Dismissed?

If you are accused, but ultimately not Charged, then it could be possible to “Seal” your records.  In addition, if your case is ultimately Dismissed, per ARS 13-900, et seq., you can also have your record “Sealed.”  However, this is only allowed on certain types of reduced Charges. Finally, you can only have your record Sealed after the five-year time limit has run from the conclusion of your Probation.

Is it possible to have my Conviction “Expunged?”

In Arizona, it is possible to have a “Judgment of Guilt Set Aside.”  Although Arizona does not have an Expungement statute, this acts in a very similar way to an Expungement.  You have to wait until you have satisfied all terms of your Sentence (including Probation and Restitution) before you can file for your Judgment of Guilt to be Set Aside.  There are also limitations on which types of cases can be Set Aside, and this normally happens with Reduced Charges involving words such as “Attempt.”  Once you have a Conviction Set Aside, we recommend you have your entire record “Sealed.”

Does DM Cantor have the most Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialists, and the most Complete Acquittal at Jury Trial wins in Arizona?

Yes!  DM Cantor has 3 Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialists, which is the most in Arizona.  In addition, our Law Firm has over 160 complete Jury Trial Acquittals (i.e., “Not Guilty” on All Charges).  The next closest Law Firm has only 20 complete Jury Trial Acquittals posted on their internet page.  This is why DM Cantor is known as the Law Firm who represents the most Clients referred over by other Attorneys, Judges and Police Officers.

What To Do If Accused of Domestic Violence In Glendale, Arizona

If you are engaged in a contentious Divorce, breakup, etc., and you have the feeling you are being accused of Domestic Violence Assault, then you must become very wary of any communications you may have.  Police Detectives will often get the Alleged Victim to confront the Accused by way of a “Confrontation Call,” that is conducted at the Police Station, and which is being recorded.  The Alleged Victim will attempt to get admissions or apologies out of a suspect.

Many people will make the mistake of saying that they “are sorry,” or they will try to “apologize” just to make the other person feel better, and to make them just get off the phone and go away.  This can have disastrous consequences.  In fact, you may be apologizing for the way they feel, or the way the relationship ended, yet the Detectives will interpret this to be an Admission to an Assault.

Once you are accused, take down all of your social media, and do not discuss your case with family or friends.  You do not want to inadvertently turn them into a witness who can be subpoenaed to testify against you at a later date.  In addition, if Police contact you, you need to immediately state “I do not want to take any tests or answer any questions before I speak with my attorney.”  Then call DM Cantor immediately!

Beware:  Never use a law firm that has an “Of Counsel” on staff to serve as your primary attorney.  Some firms will bring on a Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialist as an “Of Counsel” in order to solicit or secure Clients.  Unfortunately, this is usually just a marketing ploy, in which your case is then handed off to a non-Specialist who may have never before conducted a Bench Trial or Jury Trial regarding Domestic Violence Assault Charges.

Lastly – always call DM Cantor to speak with a Glendale Domestic Violence Lawyer if you have been accused of Assault!  When we speak with you over the phone, we will not discuss specifics on an open phone line.  We will get you in to meet with us in our office (Free of charge) for a private consultation in a secure environment.

Work With a DM Cantor Glendale Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer Today!

We will be happy to provide you with a Free case evaluation and Free in-office consultation with one of our Partners and Board-Certified Criminal Law Specialists regarding your Domestic Violence case.

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