Moon Valley Justice Court

Arrested in Arizona? Call Today for Help!

David Cantor explains what you can expect at the Moon Valley Justice Court:

About The Moon Valley Justice Court

The Moon Valley Justice Court is a justice court within the jurisdiction of Union Hills in Phoenix, Arizona. The specific jurisdiction of this court goes from north of Union Hills to south of Glendale, and east of 7th St to west of 35th Ave. The court’s address is 18380 N 40th St. Phoenix, AZ 85032.

For anyone stopped within that jurisdiction and charged with a DUI or Misdemeanor Criminal Charge by either a DPS or by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, they will be sent to the Moon Valley Justice Court. However, if there is anyone who was stopped outside of those boundaries and sent to MVJC, that is illegal. DM Cantor will be able to look at your case and determine whether or not you were within the boundaries, and if you were not, the entire case can be thrown out based on that technicality.

When you go to Moon Valley Justice Court for your court date, make sure to dress appropriately and respectfully. That means no shorts, tank tops, sunglasses or baseball caps. Judge Deborah Begay is the judge of Moon Valley Justice Court. As far as court itself goes, many of the prosecutors for Moon Valley Justice Court are extremely slow, and you might even end up being at the court all day. Finding a lawyer who is able to keep the pace of the courtroom going is essential.

Most of the Justices of the Peace are not lawyers, and they never went to law school. The usual placement of a judge will happen when they are elected in what is basically a “popularity contest”; they are then trained for 6 weeks, and then placed in their seat to judge the people. This tendency to have unqualified and undertrained judges in the courts may be disconcerting. It’s best to have private legal representation in the Justice Courts. Call us today at (602) 307-0808, for a free 30 minute consultation where we will cover your case completely and we’ll try to help you find a way out.


Moon Valley Justice Court

18380 N 40th St

Phoenix, AZ 85032



Deborah Begay


Phone Numbers:

Phone: (602) 372-7000

Fax: (602) 372-8025



8am – 5pm Monday – Friday *Closed on Holidays, Call the Court to confirm


Contact Us

If you have a case in the Moon Valley justice court, please give us a call. Our offices can be reached 24 hours a day at (602) 307-0808 or you can send us a confidential email too . We’ve handled and won many cases in the Moon Valley Justice Court.

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