A 2nd Offense Misdemeanor Extreme DUI in Arizona is any DUI in which the blood alcohol level content is .150+ to .199. It is a second offense Extreme DUI if the individual has a prior DUI offense of any kind within the last seven years, and the current DUI is extreme. The individual does not necessarily need to have a prior extreme to have a 2nd offense extreme, as the prior DUI can be any DUI within 7 years time.
Are you looking for the punishments for a First Extreme DUI or Third Extreme DUI in Arizona?
Here is a short video of David explaining the punishment for a Second Offense Extreme DUI in Arizona:
If convicted of a 2nd Offense Misdemeanor Extreme DUI in Arizona, there are various punishments and fines. The individual will be required to serve 120 days of jail time and pay related costs, fines and surcharges of $1 6,000. The individual will also be required to undergo substance abuse screening for alcohol classes at a rate of $100, complete 36 of these classes for $1,000, and complete 30 hours of community service. Furthermore, the individual’s license will be suspended for a full year. At the completion of that year, a certified ignition interlock device is required to be added to the individual’s vehicle for 18 months, which will cost approximately $1,500. The driver must blow into this device in order to start the vehicle (it is hooked to the steering wheel), and then again every 15 minutes to keep the car running. Every 90 days, the individual must enter a specialized area to download the chip from the interlock device to prove that they have not been driving with alcohol in their system.
If convicted of a 2nd Offense Misdemeanor Extreme DUI in Arizona, there are also major insurance and career ramifications. A special ‘SR-22’ provision must be added to the individual’s insurance for $500 a year for three years ($1,500), which requires the insurance company to inform the DMV if the insurance lapses. In addition, your car insurance will increase $3,000 a year higher than their current rate for the next three years for a total of $9,000. If the individual has a commercial driver’s license, this will be revoked. If you have a career as a doctor, nurse, lawyer, teacher, etc., you will likely be fired or suspended because of this DUI conviction.
Let’s review the penalties associated with a 2nd Offense Misdemeanor Extreme DUI in Arizona:
• 120 days of jail time
• Jail costs, fines and surcharges: $16,100
• Substance abuse screening for alcohol classes: $100
• 36 hours of alcohol classes for: $1,000
• 30 hours of community service
• Suspended license for a full year
• Ignition interlock device for 18 months at a cost of: $1,500
• Additional ‘SR-22’ insurance provision for $500 per year for 3 years: $1,500
• Additional insurance premium costs of $3,000 for 3 years: $9,000
If you choose to drive legally once your driver’s license is reinstated, the total cost is approximately: $29,500
In the State of Arizona, a conviction for a second offense Extreme DUI is a very serious situation. Our firm has had great results in defending these types of DUI cases. If you or a loved one has been suspected of a second offense DUI in Arizona, please call (or email) our offices at (602) 307-0808 to schedule a free case consultation.