DISMISSED (ALL) | FEDERAL BANK and WIRE FRAUD/MONEY LAUNDERING/CONSPIRACY/AID and ABET ALL DISMISSED – State v. Ms. V. (DMC No. 8945) (U.S. District Court of Arizona 2:08-CR08-0598-PHX-JAT-8): Ms. V. was an escrow officer with a local title agency in Phoenix. She submitted several preliminary HUD-1 forms and some final HUD-1 forms for a “straw buyer” who purchased 27 homes while she was the escrow agent. Allegations were that there was a “cash back scheme” which resulted in her receiving fees of $40, 000 dollars. Although there were multiple co-defendants, we were able to show that Ms. V. was an unwilling victim duped into assisting this scheme. Ultimately, all charges were dismissed in full.