REDUCED | SEXUAL ASSAULT – (DMC No. 260) (Maricopa County Superior Court No.: 97-92798CR): Mr. W. worked at a local fast food restaurant as a 21 year old manager. He engaged in sexual conduct with a seventeen (17) year old worker, who then claimed that she was coerced into sex by her boss. Her parents had hired an attorney and filed a law suit seeking millions of dollars in compensation. Mr. W was charged with Sexual Assault. We were able to explain to the prosecutor that this was actually consensual sex with a minor over the age of fifteen (15) and should be a Class 6 Undesignated Felony. Mr. W was sentenced to probation, and at the completion of probation his charge was designated a misdemeanor. He received no days in jail, even though he was initially facing years in prison.
November 17, 2011