NOT CHARGED | CHILD MOLESTATION (DMC No. 648) State v. Mr. R.: Mr. R.’s son and daughter in law were going through a particularly ugly divorce. They had only been married for 2 years, and their daughter was now 4 years old. Because Mr. R. was financing his son’s divorce, his daughter in law made Charges that he had molested the 4 year old. The daughter in law’s ex-husband, who was a convicted child molester, was currently in prison. In addition, the daughter in law had accused 4-5 other people of molesting the daughter over the past couple of years, including 2 babysitters, the daycare center and another grandfather. We had Mr. R. take a polygraph, which he passed. We then sat down with the Detective who administered a voice stress analysis test. A medical exam showed the 4 year old girl had a bacterial infection, although it had nothing to molestation. After sitting down with the prosecutor and reviewing the case with him, we were able to convince him to not file charges, protecting Mr. R. from facing the rest of his life in prison.
November 17, 2011