NOT CHARGED | FEDERAL SECURITIES FRAUD/RICO/MONEY LAUNDERING/ BANK and WIRE FRAUD ($63 6,000) NOT CHARGED due to CIVIL SETTLEMENT – U.S. v. Mr. N. (DMC No. 7596) (FBI Investigated): Mr. N. owned a company which bought investments, fixed income investments, CD’s and bonds from banks and then sold them to various brokers. Mr. N. was accused of diverting approximately $600,000 of client’s money into a separate account in order to fund a separate business. We were able to explain to investigators that this was a “civil” issue, and not a criminal issue. We also resolved a civil law suit filed by a large investor, by making sure that all monies were returned to proper accounts. Mr. N. had been facing a large amount of prison time, along with the loss of his Securities licenses until we got involved. Ultimately, all law suits were dropped, no charges were brought against Mr. N. and his licenses were left intact.