AGGRAVATED ASSAULT DANGEROUS (Victim Cut with Box Cutter) REDUCED to DISORDERLY CONDUCT with PROBATION and ZERO DAYS in JAIL – State v. Ms. M (DMC No. 4868) (Maricopa County Superior Court CR2004-039787): Ms. M and her boyfriend had been arguing all day. When they were engaged in another argument, their 2 month old baby began to cry. The boyfriend went to pick up the baby, and Ms. M told him to leave the baby alone. She then grabbed a box cutter and sliced him in the arm.
We took pictures of Ms. M immediately after her arrest, and it showed numerous bruises on her body. We were also ale to present evidence to the Prosecutor that her boyfriend had pulled her hair, punched her and shoved her numerous times. We also showed them a photo of holes that were kicked in the wall. The Prosecutor agreed to extend an offer to Disorderly Conduct with Probation, and the Judge sentenced Ms. M to zero days or jail.