Mr. G was a family friend with a lady who lived in the valley, and he ended up taking her daughter and son over to his house to spend the night. He was then accused of touching the 17 year old daughter’s breasts while giving her a back rub, and penetrating her vagina with his fingers. She alleged that she felt she could not leave his house. Mr. G. was ultimately charged with Felony Sexual Assault under Arizona Revised Statute ARS 13-1406, Felony Sexual Abuse under Arizona Revised Statute ARS 13-1404 and Felony Kidnapping under Arizona Revised Statute ARS 13-1304.
The Police also claimed that they conducted a “confrontation call” in which the alleged victim confronted him on the telephone and he admitted to these acts. However, he stated he thought that his behavior was consensual and that the alleged victim was always free to leave at any time. At Trial, we presented all of this evidence, along with an extensive history of the alleged victim lying to her family and others regarding numerous other situations. The Jury found that she was not credible and returned a verdict of Not Guilty regarding all charges (Sex Assault, Sex Abuse, and Kidnapping). Mr. G was originally facing well over a decade in Prison if he was to be convicted.