Felony Luring a Minor for Sexual Purposes and (2 Counts) Felony Sex Conduct with a Minor Reduced to Child Abuse with Probation, Zero Days in Jail and No Sex OffenderRegistration – State v Mr. A (DMC No. 14559) (Maricopa County Superior Court CR2016-002795): Mr. A was 37 years old, and he began a relationship with a young lady who he thought was over 18 years of age. They and an ongoing relationship in which they had sexual intercourse on several occasions. He found out she was actually 17 years old before the final time that they had sex. They also engaged in texting back and forth where he solicited her to come over to his house and have sex after he found out she was 17.
The girl’s mother was later killed and during an investigation by Police, they analyzed her cell phone and found the conversations between her and Mr. A. Subsequently, an investigation ensued into Mr. A regarding Luring of a Minor for Sexual Purposes and Sexual Misconduct with a Minor. He was ultimately arrested and charged with those crimes.
We then became involved and began investigating the case. We were able to show the Prosecutor that she did tell him she was “19, almost 20” when they originally met. We were also able to present evidence showing that Mr. A was not a predator for underage girls. Ultimately, the Prosecutor agreed to amend all charges down to a Child Abuse which included Probation and Zero Jail. In addition, the Judge agreed that there would be no Sex Offender Registration requirement for Mr. A. This has allowed him to remain a free man and have gainful employment.