Unsubstantiated Finding Regarding Allegation of Sexual Assault – Title 9/School Discipline Hearing – Scottsdale Community College v Mr. T (DMC No. 14070) (Scottsdale Community College Dean of Students Investigated): Mr. T was a student at Scottsdale Community College along with his ex girlfriend whose now accusing him of Sexual Assault. Her allegations were that they had dated for a long time, but the first time they ever had sex, she was coerced into it. She stated that all other times after that were consensual.
We went into the hearing at Scottsdale Community College and we were present with Mr. T, the dean and general counsel for SCC. Mr. T described all the times that he and his girlfriend had had consensual sex, including the very first time. He also described how upset she was when they broke up. Evidence was presented that this was retaliation against Mr. T for him breaking up with his ex girlfriend. At the conclusion of the hearing, the charge of Sexual Assault was “unsubstantiated”. Mr. T finished out at SCC and then transferred to a major university to finish out his college degree.