NOT CHARGED | U.S. Federal District Court of Arizona v. Mr. C. (DMC No. ): Mr. C. worked for a company that dealt with the U.S. Military where he had high level security clearance. He was a suspect in the removal of certain high level training materials. We had him submit to a polygraph, which he passed. We then had our client meet with F.B.I. agents in order to submit to their polygraph. The F.B.I. polygraph examiner began asking questions about drug usage and indicated he had “turned up the heat” in order to get our client’s “sweat glands going.” We terminated the polygraph at that point. We then had a second polygraph conducted with our polygraph examiner. We turned over the results of both polygraphs to the F.B.I. and the U.S. Attorney’s Office. We made a decision that Mr. C. would no longer be speaking to the F.B.I. The U.S. Attorney’s Office declined the filing of any charges against Mr. C.