THEFT of MEANS of TRANSPORTATION with 2 PRIOR FELONIES CONVICTIONS REDUCED to a MISDEMEANOR with ZERO DAYS in JAIL at TIME of SENTENCING – State v. Mr. W. (DMC No. 5170) (Maricopa County Superior Court CR2003-033716): Mr. W. had 2 prior felony convictions, and was accused of stealing motorcycles and “parting” them out. His original Public Defender had secured an offer to 6 years in prison. When we became involved we immediately attacked the proof of his prior convictions. This allowed us to secure a class 6 “open” offer, and we were able to argue at the time of sentencing for the charge to be reduced to a misdemeanor upon successful completion of probation. Mr. W. eventually got drug counseling, completed probation and did not serve any jail time or prison time regarding this case.
April 28, 2014