NOT CHARGED | CHILD MOLESTATION – State v. Mr. L. (DMC No. 6049) (Phoenix Police Department Investigated): Mr. L. lived in an apartment complex, and was currently on disability when he befriended a neighbor who had a 3 year old daughter. They became friends over time, and eventually he would babysit the neighbor’s daughter while she was out town. Approximately 6 months after he had babysat the daughter, allegations of child molest surfaced. We had Mr. L. take, and pass a polygraph test. In addition, we discovered that the neighbor’s ex-husband was in prison, and had been released about 2 months after Mr. L. had last babysat the child. We conducted a “free talk” with the Detective and Mr. L. at the police station. It became apparent that Mr. L. had given the 3 year old a bubble bath during one of the overnight babysitting sessions. The father (who just been released from prison) was unstable, and made these allegations. The Detective viewed the polygraph results and no charges were brought against Mr. L.
February 19, 2014