AGGRAVATED HARASSMENT REDUCED to class 6 open/Misdemeanor with ZERO DAYS in JAIL – State v. Mr. A. (DMC No. 7769) (Maricopa County Superior Court CR2007-175166): Mr. A.’s ex-wife secured a valid Order of Protection against Mr. A. she called the police on him when he appeared in her back yard after he had been drinking. Once he was placed under arrest it was discovered that he had five previous arrests for violating that same Order. He was ultimately charged with Aggravated Harassment. Each and every time he had been drinking, he was trying to see his children. After he enrolled in some counseling and had stopped drinking, we convinced the Prosecutor to reduce the charge to a class 6 “open”, which allowed Mr. A. to earn a misdemeanor at the completion of probation. In addition, no jail time was imposed against Mr. A.
August 22, 2014