JUVENILE MINOR in POSSESSION of TOBACCO DISMISSED – State v. Ms. F (DMC No. 6834) (Maricopa County Juvenile Court No. JV542678): Mr. F was a 16 year old student at Dobson High School who was accused of smoking while entering campus grounds. The school Resource Officer (A Mesa Police Officer) made contact with her and began to question her. Ms. F stated that she did not want to answer questions until she spoke with her mom. She was never read her Juvenile Miranda Rights, and she was subsequently cited with Minor in Possession of Tobacco pursuant to Arizona Revised Statute ARS 4-244.9. We argued to the Prosecutor that the Officer violated Ms. F’s Juvenile Miranda Rights, and they agreed that they would dismiss all charges if she wrote an essay and completed 10 hours of community service. Ms. F and her parents agreed to the terms, and all charges were dismissed against her.