REDUCED | POSSESSION of DANGEROUS DRUGS REDUCED to class 6 open/Misdemeanor POSSESSION of DRUG PARAPHERNALIA (after a TASC “fail out”) – State v. Mr. V. (DMC No. 10214) (Maricopa County Superior Court CR2011-135003): Mr. V. had been in an argument with his wife and police were called. When they searched Mr. V. they found a small bag of cocaine on his possession. He was arrested and charged with a felony “Possession of Narcotic Drugs”. We successfully had him entered into the TASC program for a diversion dismissal. He failed out of that program, which normally would mean he would have to plea to the class 4 felony on the Possession of Dangerous Drugs. We were successful in negotiating the charge down to simple “Possession of Drug Paraphernalia”, which allowed him to earn a misdemeanor at the conclusion of probation. No jail time was involved.