Yes, In the State of Arizona you can get a DUI if the officer thinks you are impaired to the slightest degree.
A person can be charged with DUI if you are impaired to the slightest degree. The law allows for a person to be charged with a BAC of less than .08% if they are deemed to be impaired to the slightest degree. This especially holds true if you have gotten into an accident or have a very low tolerance level and are exhibiting signs of extreme intoxication. You may also be charged with a Drug DUI if the officer thinks you are impaired to the slightest degree due to prescription or illicit drugs.
As always the best way to avoid a DUI arrest is to take a cab or get a ride home. If you are arrested, remember you do have the right to remain silent and to speak with a lawyer. You can speak with a DUI lawyer 24 hours a day at (602) 307-0808. We also have many years of experience with DUI cases including, Extreme DUI, Aggravated DUI, and Misdemeanor as well.
Have you read through our DUI Victories?